You have to be just totally honest. There's no point stepping beyond a certain line because then, in fact, it's you who's in the firing line. As my area of expertise is animal biology and conservation, I've arranged to meet Richard Sabin, Senior Mammal Curator. Richard, Hi, I'm Liz. Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. How are you? Richard is frequently called on when animal parts are suspected of having been illegally smuggled into the country. I would not be able to say what on earth this was because it's so delicate. Sure, yeah. And being so carved. Yeah. Can you tell what this is just from looking at it? Just from experience. You can get an idea, you can get an idea from things like the weight of the piece given the size. Okay. How it feels, how quickly it absorbs heat from your hands. The colour of the piece, although ivory and bone can be bleached to make it look much paler and much more desirable. As a conservationist, I've decided to see what these experts go through by facing cross questioning in a fictitious ivory smuggling case. 必须绝对诚实,没有必要越界,否则受审的就是你了。我的"专业领域"是生物学和动物保护,于是我约资深哺乳动物专家理查德·萨宾见了面。 -理查德你好 我是利兹 -幸会 我也很高兴见到你 你好吗 当发现可能有动物器官非法走私入境时,查德经常会被请去帮忙。我不知道这究竟是什么,但它外形很精致 -是的 -如此巧夺天工,你能仅从外观辨出它吗?仅凭经验,你可以从重量及尺寸得出个大概。 对,摸上去感觉如何,导热性如何。然后就是看颜色虽然象牙和骨头,可以被漂得更加灰白,看上去更值钱。 作为一个自然资源保护论者我决定看看专家们如何应对这个我们虚构的象牙走私案。