When you go to court, it's an adversarial system, which is a fight. So basically two parties fighting it out. But, if you get over passionate about something, you can lose your cool and then you can get into arguing with the lawyer and then, of course, your credibility will go. So you've got to be controlled in the way that you communicate that evidence. I'm so scared. Could you just help the court, what is ivory? Ivory is teeth of certain mammals, including members of the elephantidae family, Asian elephants, African elephants and extinct mammoths. And would you say you were quite passionate about the conservation of elephants in particular? I care deeply about the conservation of all wild animals. And in particular elephants. Not particularly elephants, no, just any endangered species. But that would include elephants, wouldn't it? That would include elephants, yes. You describe in your report that there were 45 items, is that correct? There were indeed. Did you examine all of them? I did. And how long did that take you? Each item would take probably about four or five hours. What procedures did you conduct? I followed a very strict peer-reviewed protocol, which involves under. I'm just trying to get to what you actually did, Miss Bonnin. I looked at each specimen with a magnifying glass. So used a magnifying glass, yes? And I also used a high-powered light source. 走进法庭,就是进了一个竞技场,双方对抗,但是,如果你对某件事反应过激,就会失去冷静。有可能会与律师发生争吵,这样你就会失去可信度,因此,你在陈述证据的时候,要学会控制自己, 好害怕 能不能向法庭解释一下,什么是象牙? 象牙,就是象科动物中的一些哺乳动物的牙。比如亚洲象,非洲象,还有已经灭绝的猛犸象, 能不能这样说,你热衷对象科动物的保护。 我对所有野生动物的保护都非常热衷,特别关注象,没有特别关注象,我对所有濒危物种都非常关注。但这些物种也包括象 在你的报告中,你说有45件证物,对吗? 的确如此 你逐个检查了吗? -对 -花了多长时间 每件要花费大概四至五个小时, 你用的是什么方法? 我严格按照行内规则,包括... 我只想问您用的什么手法,博尼小姐? 我用放大镜观察 放大镜 还用了高亮度的光源