Now, out of all these amazing photographs, you're a wildlife photographer yourself, which one are you sort of jealous of? Which one do you still think, "Oh, I could have taken that, if only..." Well, out of the 95 here. I would say 95 of them I'm jealous of, yeah. To me, it's so artistic and so imaginative and so different that it leaps out from the crowd. People often think you've got to get it really tight in the frame, but to actually pull back and get this wonderful winter, you know wonderland around it is what makes the picture work. When this one came up on the screen, there was literally an audible gasp by all the judges. Everybody looked and knew, "This is absolutely fantastic." 那么在这么多出色的照片中,您自己也是位野生动物摄影师,有没有哪张让你有点嫉妒?有没有哪张让你觉得。要是我也能拍出来就好了? 这95张中,我得说我有95张都很嫉妒。是的,瞧那张,我觉得,它艺术感和创意一流,别出心裁,所以脱颖而出。人们总觉得,得让画面充实,但是把镜头拉远,让这么美丽的冬日仙境环绕着它,才让照片抓人眼球、当这张照片出现在屏幕上时,确实让所有评委倒吸一口气,大家都说,这太神奇了、