And Moses isn't the only one who I'm worried about. Can I just have a little look at your eyes? Only look up for me. This is Awal. His distended abdomen indicates he's infected but, to be sure, I'm checking with this new rapid test that Russell's pioneering. Awal is pale, he's got the distended abdomen. He's probably got some malaria as well. And this is a really very positive test. It means, absolutely. That's quite right. We hasn't even finished yet and it's positive. And that child might have been infected as a very young child and now, at the age of nine, is showing symptoms which really people would say they are unacceptable. So this comes back to the whole point of your research, which is to treat kids much younger than him to stop, to just stop getting to this stage. I'm so concerned about Awal's condition that we take him straight back to the clinic for a thorough examination. Can you take a deep breath? And out. Good. And again. 摩西并非我唯一的担心,让我看看你的眼睛 ,向上看。这是阿瓦尔他肿胀的腹部表明他已被感染,但为了进一步确认,我想用拉塞尔开创的速测法进行检验。 阿瓦尔脸色不好,腹部肿胀,他也可能得了疟疾。 -结果呈阳性 -没错。还没完全渗入,就已显示阳性了。这孩子可能很小就被感染了,长到现在九岁,表现出人们难以想象的症状。这就回到你研究的目的了。即治疗比他小得多的患儿,从而避免发展到这一阶段。我非常担心阿瓦尔的情况,于是我们直接带他回诊所做彻底检查。 你能深吸一口气吗? 再呼气,很好,再做一次。