The window of opportunity is short. As the current begins to build it's up up and away. These permanent holes in the ice provide seafood throughout winter. The diners attract others. In the Arctic, any breach in the icy barrier can be a lifeline. Musk oxen create their own. These giants have the strength to smash through the frozen crust to graze on the vegetation below. These icebreakers create an opening for other over winterers. Flocks of ptarmigan make unusual grazing companions for the musk oxen whose entourage grows throughout the day. This odd assembly of vegetarians doesn't go unnoticed. An arctic fox. 时间很短,洋流已经开始形成了,抓住贻贝的欧绒鸭赶紧浮上水面。冰原上的这种冰洞整个冬天都为欧绒鸭提供着生存条件。欧绒鸭又吸引来了其它的动物。在北极,打破冰层就相当于有了生存的机会。麝牛可以自己凿开冰洞,这种大型动物有力气打碎冰层,吃到下面的植物。麝牛凿开冰洞,也为其它在北极越冬的动物提供了方便。一群岩雷鸟成了麝牛不同寻常的进餐伙伴。麝牛的跟随者随着白天的延长变得越来越多。这种奇特的食草动物的群体,引起了其它动物的注意。这是一只北极狐。