Forming a defensive ring around their calves the adults present a barricade that few hunters could breach. But the wolves need not risk injury today. A calf has been left behind in the panic. With each passing day the sun climbs higher in the sky and its rays strike the Arctic more directly. It's spring and new life stirs. The polar bear cubs emerge from the den in which they were born. Their mother stretches her legs after five months under the snow. They're just two months old and instinctively follow her lead. A steep slope makes the best site for a den but it's a tricky place to take your first steps. 成年麝牛围成一圈,让小牛待在中间。这种防卫圈很少有猎手能够突破,但今天北极狼不必冒险去硬拼了,一只小麝牛在慌忙之中脱离了牛群。时间一天天过去,天空中的太阳也一天比一天高,它的光线照射的角度也更直。春天来了,北极熊的幼仔从冰洞里钻了出来。它们在那里出生,它们的妈妈也在那里待了五个月,现在它们要伸展伸展四肢了。小熊只有两个月大小,本能地跟着妈妈。陡坡虽然是挖洞藏身的好地方,但却不是练习第一步行走的理想之地。