Their chicks join the growing band of youngsters exploring the tundra. For a few months each year the Arctic becomes the land of the midnight sun and 24 hours of daylight allow animals to feed around the clock. The arctic fox finally has enough food to raise her large family. If you choose to nest in the open you must be prepared for a fight. Arctic skuas will see off any trespassers even large vegetarians. The male polar bear's ice world has finally vanished beneath him. While the female is still kept on land by her dependent cubs the male can take to the sea in search of food. Ducking and diving, he hopes to ambush seals resting on the remaining fragments of ice. 它们的幼雏加入到越来越大的小鸟队伍中,在冻土带觅食。北极每年有几个月的时间会出现在子夜也能看到太阳的现象。二十四小时的日光让动物可以不停地觅食。这只北极狐终于有足够的食物来维持它的大家庭了。如果在开阔地筑巢,就要做好战斗的准备。短尾贼鸥有能力赶走任何非法侵入者,包括大型的食草动物。北极熊所依赖的冰雪世界终于消失了,当母熊还在陆地上被不能独立生活的小熊缠着的时候,公熊已经进到海里觅食了。它在海水里潜泳,希望捕到停留在浮冰上的海豹。