In these new surroundings he is a surprisingly adept swimmer. Once an extremely rare sight polar bears have recently been seen over 60 miles from the shore. There is now no turning back for this bear. He's forced to head out into deeper water. His giant front paws help him to fight the ocean currents. He seems at home in the sea but he cannot swim indefinitely. He will drown if he doesn't find land somewhere in this vast ocean. Walruses are now gathering on low lying islands. They gave birth on sea ice but with this platform now gone, they need a new place to haul out and nurse their young. 在这个新的环境里,它的游泳本领令人吃惊,最近人们发现北极熊甚至会游到,离海岸一百公里的海里,对陆地动物来说,这种情况极为少见。这只北极熊不可能再返回了,它只能游向更远的水域,它巨大的前爪可以使它逆流前进,它看起来在海里游刃有余,但它不能一直不停地游下去,如果在这片巨大的海洋里,找不到一片陆地,它最终会溺水而亡。海象在低洼的岛上聚集,它们在冰上生下小海象,但现在冰没有了,它们需要有新的地方来把孩子养大。