The adults close ranks around their young, presenting a wall of blubber and hide. He tests the barrier but it stands firm. It appears that the world's largest land carnivore has met his match. There must be a chink in the armour somewhere. Not here. This female walrus is shielding her pup, if he can just prise her off. The bear's claws and teeth can't penetrate her thick hide. With the herd retreating to water the bear must move quickly. Having failed with one he heads straight for another. The chance of his first meal in months is slipping away. He seems increasingly desperate. It's now or never. He must avoid the stabbing tusks if he's to win. 成年海象紧紧靠在一起保护小海象,用肥厚的脂肪和皮肤形成了一道墙。它试了试这道屏障,非常坚固。看来世界上最大的陆地食肉动物遇到了对手,但它相信,这层坚固的防线一定有漏洞,可是肯定不会在这儿。这是一只雌海象。看看能不能把这只雌海象作为猎物。北极熊的爪子和牙齿竟然无法穿透雌海象厚厚的皮肤。海象群开始向水里退去,北极熊必须抓紧时间。北极熊扑向一只海象,没有成功,于是又扑向另外一只,几个月来可能得到的第一顿美餐就这样溜走了吗。它的处境越来越绝望,机不可失时不再来,北极熊冒险向雄海象发起了攻击。