But there is hope on the horizon. The females are returning, and their bellies are full with fish. As they approach, waves of excitement ripple through the huddle. Each female calls to her mate, and he, recognising her song, trumpets back. Reunited, at last. The mother sees her chick for the first time. She's keen to start parenting but the father needs persuading to surrender the chick he's been caring for all winter. He must now put his chick at risk. In these temperatures it could freeze in seconds. The male will have to let go. Eventually, the transfer to the mother is safely made. 希望已经在地平线上升起,雌企鹅终于回来了,它们的肚子里装满了鱼。它们走近时雄企鹅群掠过一阵快乐的波浪,每只雌企鹅都在呼唤自己的配偶,配偶听出它的歌声,马上做出回应,它们再次团聚了。妈妈第一次看到自己的宝宝,急于表达母爱,但护育了一个冬天的爸爸,此刻还有些舍不得把宝宝交给妈妈。在这样的温度下交接小企鹅是很危险的,它很快会被冻死,雄企鹅必须放开。它终于把宝宝安全地交给了妈妈。