A group of chicks has got lost in the blizzard. Cold and disorientated they search for the colony. It will not be long before the storm claims its first victims. By early summer, the chicks are surprisingly well developed and now look ready to take on the world. Those that survived their first year have the best possible start in life thanks to the extraordinary hardships endured by their parents. Parents who battled with the Antarctic winter, and won. In the Arctic the two polar bear cubs are now independent of their mother and they briefly reunite where their home ranges overlap. Their time together will be fleeting. Most of their lives are now spent alone wandering the vast tracts of frozen ocean. Following their mother, has prepared them for life at the pole an ever-changing land ruled by ice. Whether they are ready for the bigger changes that have begun to shape the ice worlds of our planet remains to be seen. 一群小企鹅在暴风雪中迷了路。它们在寒冷中,在迷失方向的情况下,努力地寻找归途,可是事实上,它们不久就会成为暴风雪的第一批牺牲品。夏天刚刚开始,长大了的小企鹅已经准备好出去闯荡世界了。度过了第一个年头的小企鹅,迎来了美好的季节,这要感谢它们父母异常的辛劳,与南极的冬天进行不懈搏斗的父母们最终获胜了。在北极,两头小北极熊已经自己独立生活了。它们有时还会短暂地相聚一会儿,它们在一起的时间很快就过去了。此后它们将各自独立,度过自己的岁月,在广阔的冰雪大地上漫游。在跟随妈妈的岁月里,它们已经学会了如何在这个被冰雪统治的世界里生活。它们是否能够适应在这片冰雪世界里已经开始的比以往都剧烈的变化,还需要拭目以待。