Feet, so vital for gliding, are now put to other uses. Two's company, three's inconvenient but in any case, all male frogs are equipped with dry thumbs which enable them to get a vice like grip on their moist partners. It's a case of first come first served. Living in such a humid environment, means jungle frogs are less tied to puddles and pools and these even lay their eggs out of water. There's little chance of them drying out and up here they're safer from predators. Surprisingly, it doesn't rain every day in the rainforest but more still falls here than anywhere else on Earth. On average, over two metres a year. A single tree can suck up hundreds of tons of water each year. But the trees can't use all this water, so much of it returns to the air as vapour, forming mist and clouds. 脚现在被派作了别的用场。双人成伴,三个就引起了麻烦。但是所有的雄蛙都长有有力的前爪,这使它们能够紧紧抓牢它们湿漉漉的伴侣。这里的规则是先到者先交配。居住在这样潮湿的环境中意味着丛林中的青蛙对水坑和池塘的依赖性减少。这些蛙甚至不把卵产在水中。蛙卵被干死的可能性很小,而且被捕食的可能性也较小。令人惊奇的是雨林里不是每天都下雨,但是这里的降雨量仍然比地球上任何其他地方都多,平均一年有两米多。一棵树每年可以吸收几百吨水,但是树木本身用不了这么多水,大部份的水分被蒸发到了空气中,成为雾霭和云。