A riflebird of paradise. Like many jungle animals, birds of paradise avoid competing with each other and these do so by living in different parts of this jungle covered island. The six plumed bird of paradise displays in his special clearing, on the forest floor. The magnificent bird of paradise favours the low branches of bushes. His female is modestly dressed. The male has a good set of lungs but he'll have to do more than flutter his eyelids, if he wants to impress her. It'll all depend on his performance. The females may be dull looking but they're very picky and it's time for a really close inspection. His right side looks fine but what about his left? Pretty impressive, but is he magnificent enough? Oh dear. Her departure says it all. 这是极乐鸟的一种栗色眼鼻蜂鸟。像许多其它丛林动物一样,极乐鸟避免直接竞争,为此它们占据了丛林中的不同的位置。劳氏六线蜂鸟喜欢在森林的地面上表演,而栗色极乐鸟就选择了灌木的树枝上。雄鸟鸣声洪亮,为了得到雌鸟的欢心仅靠眉目传情是不够的,它的表演至关重要。但对配偶的选择却非常挑剔。现在到了近距离面试的阶段了。可是它的右边如何呢?但是它总体上足够优美健壮吗?哦,天哪!它飞走了,这说明了一切