1/3 of the land on our planet is desert. These great scars on the face of the earth appear to be lifeless, but surprisingly none are. In all of them life manages somehow to keep a precarious hold. Not all deserts are hot. 50-mile-an-hour winds blowing in from Siberia bring snow to the Gobi Desert in Mongolia. From a summer high of 50 degrees centigrade the temperature in midwinter can drop to minus 40, making this one of the harshest deserts of all. Few animals can survive these extreme changes. Wild Bactrian camels, one of the rarest mammals on the planet, and perhaps the hardiest. Their biggest problem is the lack of water, particularly now, in winter, when the little there is is locked up as ice. 我们这个星球上,有1/3的陆地是沙漠,在地球表面的这些巨大伤痕上面,看上去好像没有生命存在,其实并非如此,在所有的沙漠里,都有生命以各种方式,艰难而顽强地生存着,并非所有的沙漠都酷热,以每小时80公里的速度,从西伯利亚吹来的风,给蒙古的戈壁沙漠带来降雪,这里夏天的气温高达50摄氏度,而到了严冬季节,可以降到零下40度,因此这片沙漠是全世界,所有沙漠中最严酷的地区,能适应气温如此极端变化的,动物少之又少,野生双峰驼是地球上最珍稀的,也可能是最能吃苦耐劳的,哺乳动物之一,它们最大的问题是缺少饮水,尤其是在现在这种隆冬季节,仅有的一点水也结成了冰。