In the deserts of Utah ancient rivers flowing across sandstone country steadily widen their canyons until now the land between them has been reduced to spires and pinnacles. With little or no soil to retain the water on the surface of the land life here is scarce indeed. And when resources are limited, conflict is never far away. These are Nubian ibex and they're squaring up for a duel. And when trouble starts, a smart ibex knows that the best thing to do is to gain higher ground. These are actually subordinate male ibex, but their fights are nonetheless serious. Losing one might mean never getting the chance to breed ever. 在犹他州的沙漠里,流过这片石灰岩地区的古老河流,持续不断扩大着河谷,直到河谷之间的地面,变成了如今这种尖塔林立的地貌,由于缺乏,或者说没有土壤来保持水分,这里很少见到生物资源稀少。冲突就要发生了。这是云山羊,它们正在摆好架势准备决斗,决斗开始前,聪明的云山羊知道,最重要的是占据有利地形,这些公山羊,实际上属于第二等级,但它们的争斗仍然激烈,失败可能意味着,永远失去繁殖下一代的机会。