Lizards are desert specialists. But here, their numbers are extraordinary. These crevices in South Africa contain the highest density of lizards in the world. They're called flat lizards for obvious reasons, and they flaunt their multi-coloured bellies in territorial disputes. He's made his point, and now it's time to find some food. As the day warms up, the lizards move away from their cracks and head down to the bottom of the gorge. Their goal is the river. There is no food at the edge, but this desert river holds a secret. Each day blackfly rise from turbulent stretches of the river. This is what the lizards have come for. Blackfly never land, so the lizards have to leap for their food. 蜥蜴是沙漠常住民,在这里它们的数量出奇地多,在南非的这些沟沟缝缝里,有世界上分布最密集的蜥蜴群,它们被称为扁头蜥,他们通过炫耀自己多彩的肚子,来解决领土争端,它成功了,现在该是寻找食物的时候了,气温升高之后,这些蜥蜴从沟缝里跑开,躲到了谷底,它们的目标是河流边并没有食物。但这条沙漠河中隐藏着一个秘密,每天会有蚋蝇,从水流激湍的河段飞起来,蜥蜴就是冲着它们来的,蚋蝇从不落到地面,所以蜥蜴只得跳着捕捉食物。