The lions must wait for the oryx to leave the safety of the dunes, which eventually they must to find food and water. And then the lions will ambush them. The elephants have found some of their favourite food. Grasses are the staple diet of all elephants, but this herd concentrates on digging up the roots, which have more nutrition and moisture than the stems. It's the sort of behaviour that can make all the difference in a place of serious shortages. Yet all this can change in an instant. The fortunes of many deserts are ruled by distant rains. This water fell as rain in mountains more than 100 miles away. 狮子必须等待,长角羚离开沙丘地带,才可以趁机伏击它们。大象终于找到了一些自己喜爱的食物。草是所有大象的主食,但这群大象却专心挖草根,因为草根比草茎营养更丰富,水分更多。但是这一切可以很快改变,许多沙漠动物的命运由远处的雨水决定,这些水是远在一百多公里之外的降雨带来的。