It's a rare chance for them to build up their food reserves. The flood has made life easier for the lions, too. The flesh of this oryx will keep the family going for a week at the most. But for a while the hunting will be easier, now that river channel has turned green. The good times for lions and oryx are brief, but these are the short moments that make it possible to live in deserts the year round. Death Valley is the hottest place on earth. Yet even this furnace can be transformed by water. A single shower can enable seeds that have lain dormant for 30 years or more to burst into life. 这是它们增加食物储备的难得的机会。洪水也让狮子的生活变得容易些了。这只长角羚的肉能让这一家维持一周的时间。现在捕猎已经较为容易,因为沿河一带已经变绿了。狮子和长角羚的美好时光是短暂的,但正是一年中的这段短暂时光,让它们得以在沙漠里生存。美国西南部的死谷是地球上最热的地方,但即使是这种地方,水也可以改变它的面貌,一场阵雨会让在地下沉睡了30多年的种子发芽。