To the snakes the bats are apparently glowing and this gives them something to aim at. This is the price that these cave commuters must pay for their daytime sanctuary underground. Small wonder then that there are other cave dwellers that stay put. Many caves are like islands cut off from the outside world and from other caves. This isolation has resulted in the evolution of some various strange creatures. They are the cave specialists - troglodytes, animals that never emerge from the caves or see daylight. These troglodytes from Thailand are possibly the most specialised creatures on earth for they live only in cave waterfalls. The entire population of these cave angel fish seems to be restricted to just two small caves. 对于蛇来说,蝙蝠是发热的动物,所以是瞄准的目标。这是这些进出洞穴者白天潜伏在洞穴避难所必须付出的代价。当然,还有一些洞穴居民不用进进出出,这并不奇怪。许多洞穴就像岛屿,它们与外面的世界和其它洞穴相互隔绝。这种隔绝导致了一些奇特生物的产生。这是这些洞穴所独有的物种——穴居动物,它们从没有走出过洞穴,也没有见过日光。这些生活在泰国的一些穴居动物,也可能是世界上最奇特的穴居动物,因为它们只生活在岩洞瀑布里。这些刺盖鱼似乎只出现在两个小岩洞里。