These strange stalactite-like formations are known, rather appropriately, as snottites, the drops dripping from the ends are sulfuric acid, strong enough to burn skin. The snottites are, in fact, vast colonies of bacteria, capable of growing a centimetre a day. In this world without sunlight these bacteria extract energy from the hydrogen sulfide gas. Bacteria like these are known as extremofiles because of their ability to survive in such extreme conditions. And these extremofiles play another important role in this cave. Surprisingly, they are the basis of a food chain which supports, amongst other creatures, the larvae of these midges. Villa Luz's ecosystem was certainly very remarkable, but cave explorers were soon to make an even more astonishing discovery. 这种奇怪的钟乳石状的东西被人们形象地称为“鼻涕”。从它的下端滴下来的是硫酸,它足以烧坏皮肤。这些鼻涕样的东西事实上是大量的细菌群,它们一天可以生长到一厘米之多。在这个没有阳光的世界里,这些细菌从硫化氢气体中吸取能量。这种细菌被称为“极端生物”,因为它们可以在这种极端的环境中生存。这种极端微生物在洞穴中起着另外一个重要作用----它们竟然是一个食物链的最底层,它们为这些摇蚊幼虫以及其它生物提供食物来源。维拉卢兹洞的生态系统无疑十分特殊,但洞穴探险者很快有了一个更惊人的发现。