But the glow worm doesn't leave everything to chance. That ghostly blue light is the result of a chemical reaction taking place inside a special capsule in its tail. The light literally shines out of its backside. It's a lure for attracting prey. Insects seem irresistibly drawn towards the source and then get trapped by the sticky lines. Once stuck, there is no escape. Now it's just a matter of reeling in the line and slowly consuming the catch alive. By ensnaring the insects that hatch in this cave, these glow worms have solved the biggest challenge that permanent cave dwellers face - finding a regular and reliable source of food. 但它们绝不是完全消极等待。那些幽暗的蓝光来源于它尾部特殊的小囊中发生的化学反应。那些光差不多可以照亮它的背部,这是诱惑猎物的诱饵。其它昆虫不可抗拒地被光源吸引——然后就被会黏糊糊的丝线粘住。一旦落入,便无法逃脱。现在只需把线收起来,然后慢慢享受活生生的猎物。通过诱捕洞穴内的昆虫,这些萤火虫解决了洞穴永久居民们所面临的最大挑战——找到可靠而稳定的食物来源。