[00:00.89]Baikal is the oldest lake in the world and, [00:04.23]despite the harsh conditions, [00:06.36]life flourishes here in isolation. [00:11.33]80% of its species are found nowhere else on earth, [00:15.09]including the world's only fresh water seal. [00:18.51]With this seal [00:21.48]and its marine-like forests of sponges Baikal [00:25.27]seems more like an ocean than a lake. [00:29.86]There are shrimp-like crustaceans - [00:32.63]giant amphipods - as large as mice. [00:36.72]They are the key scavengers in this lake. [00:40.50]The water here is just too cold for the bacteria [00:43.39]that normally decompose the dead. [00:47.72]Most rivers do not end in lakes [00:51.12]but continue their journey to the sea. [00:54.59]The planet's indisputable super-river is the Amazon. [01:00.55]It carries as much water as [01:03.17]the next top-ten biggest rivers combined.