These underwater forests are nursery grounds for fish. Over 300 species breed here, including red-bellied piranha and other predators, like the spectacle caiman. Ripening fig trees overhanging the water's edge provide welcome food for shoals of hungry fish. The commotion attracts dorado, known locally as the river tiger. They patrol the feeding shoals, looking for a chance to strike. And waiting in the wings, ready to pick off any injured fish, are the piranhas. A feeding frenzy quickly develops. Piranha can strip a fish to the bone in minutes. Great numbers of fish sustain vast flocks of water birds. The rose-eared spoonbill is just one of the 650 bird species found in the Pantanal. They nest alongside wood stocks in colonies thousands strong. 这些水下森林是鱼类很好的孵育地。有300多种物种在这里繁殖,其中包括红腹锯脂鲤。还有其它的食肉动物,如眼镜凯门鳄。成熟的无花果树垂在水边,为饥饿的鱼群提供了很好的食物。鱼群的喧闹引来了被称为河中老虎的麻哈脂鲤。它们在吃食的鱼群边游弋,寻找攻击的机会。麻哈脂鲤则以逸待劳,等待捡拾受伤的鱼。它们很快就进入疯狂争食状态。麻哈脂鲤可以很短时间内把一条鱼撕烂。大量的鱼类成为大群水鸟的食物来源。粉红琵鹭只是潘塔纳尔沼泽地已知的650种鸟类的一种。它们和黑头寰鹳的巢穴相邻,一群黑头寰鹳的数量可达数千只。