There are more eggs here than she can possibly eat now but the nesting season is short so she stashes much of her plunder for later in the year when all the geese have gone. Further south, other bigger predators prowl the tundra. Wolves. For them, finding food on the plains is an even greater challenge. Not only is their prey seasonal it's also hard to find. They've been searching for days without a sign. Somewhere in this immense landscape there is food for them. This is it. Caribou. Travelling 30 miles a day they can cover nearly 2,000 miles during the summer months. The wolves will starve if they don't find the caribou but it's no easy task to locate prey that never stops travelling. 现在,这里的鸟蛋吃不完,但不愁吃喝的季节很短,所以它把一时吃不完的蛋储藏起来,等雪雁飞走以后再吃.更暖一些的地方,大型的食肉动物正在冻原上游荡。狼,对它们来说在草原上寻找食物可不是一件容易的事,因为猎物随季节而变化,而且还很难找到。它们已经找了好几天,但仍然一无所获。它们的猎物就在这个广阔原野上的某一个地方。就是它们,北美驯鹿。北美驯鹿每天可以走近50公里的路途,一个夏天要走3000多公里。这些狼如果找不到北美驯鹿就会饿死,但是要找到一直不停移动的猎物非常困难。