As their appetites grow, the mother must work tirelessly to raise her family. Only fat healthy cubs will survive the Arctic winter. The vast majority of the goslings are still flourishing. Their parents lead them down to the safety of the water as soon as they're strong enough to make the journey. For the foxes boom time has come to an end but the mother has given her cubs the best possible start in life. The geese will continue grazing the tundra until the summer ends, and they're forced to head south for the winter. At these latitudes the sun's rays are weak and grass can only grow here for a few months a year but further south summers are longer and the grasslands flourish. 它们的胃口越来越大,妈妈必须不停地劳碌才能把它们喂饱。只有肥壮的小狐狸才能活过北极的冬天。大部分小雪雁还在长身体,它们一学会走路父母就把它们带到水上安全的地方。对狐狸来说,觅食的“黄金时间”已经过去,但狐狸妈妈已经使孩子们有了一个好的成长开端。雪雁会一直在冻原上吃草到夏天结束,然后它们就要南迁越冬。