Female asses are mysterious creatures. They come and go as they please and much of their behaviour seems unfathomable to an outsider. They're the great nomads of the plateau and will often trek vast distances across these parched plains in search of oases. But when they do find paradise they are liable to feed and drink for just a few hours and then head back to the dust for no apparent reason. Wild ass are the most conspicuous pioneers of this high frontier but the most numerous grazer in Tibet lives underground. Pika, a relative of the rabbit. It too feeds on grass. 母野驴是很神秘的动物,它们来去都无一定之规,所以它们的行为外人很难琢磨。它们是高原上了不起的游牧者,经常会在这片干燥的草原上长途跋涉寻找绿洲,但是一旦找到绿洲,它们往往只吃草饮水几个小时,然后又会莫名其妙地离开,不知去向。野驴是西藏高原最引人注目的景象,但这里数量最多的食草动物生活在地下。鼠兔,它们是兔子的近亲,也以草为食。