Pygmy hogs are no bigger than rabbits. They're the tiniest and rarest of all wild pigs. The female is busy collecting grass but not for eating. She's building a nest. Each piglet may be small enough to fit in the palm of a hand but she does have ten. This is how grass can grow given unlimited sunshine and water but on most tropical plains across our planet the wet season is followed by a dry one. On the African savannas, grazers are marching in search of grass and water. Without rain, these plains can become dust bowls. Grass can now loose its hold. 小野猪比兔子还小,它们是所有野猪中最小而且最珍稀的一种。雌性小野猪正在收集野草,但不是为了吃,它正在做窝。小野猪的幼仔小到可以放到手掌里,但数量却有10只。充足的阳光和雨水可以让草长得如此茂盛。但在最热带的平原,雨季过去,旱季接踵而来。在非洲的稀树草原上,食草动物正在长途跋涉寻找草和水。没有雨水,平原一片荒芜。