For months they've been scattered over huge areas, clinging to existence around tiny water holes. Now, the good times are back. A few African savannas are very special. Here, rain water from far and wide flows across the flat plains. Grass is submerged but still it grows. Flooded, burnt, baked and frozen grass can withstand it all. After six months of drought, grass replaces dust over great areas. Fresh new shoots draw animals from great distances. Many undertake epic migrations to catch the boom time. Some resourceful animals live here all the year round. 几个月内,它们四处分散,借助一些小小的水坑存活了下来,现在美好的时光又回来了。有少数非洲草原很特别。这里的平原汇集了来自四面八方的雨水,草被淹没但是还是能生长。不管是洪水、火灾、太阳的炙烤还是冰雪天气,草都能够承受。经过了六个月的干旱,青草取代了广大面积的黄尘。新鲜的嫩草引来了远方的动物,许多动物远道而来,就是为了这段绿草如茵的好时光。而一些善于应对自然变化的动物一年四季都留守在这里。