The sun influences life in the oceans just as it does on land. Its richest parts are those where waves and currents bring fertilising nutrients to surface waters that are bathed in sunlight. The seas off the Cape in South Africa have this magic recipe and are hugely productive. Summer is the time of plenty and it's now that the seals start to breed. The strike of a great white shark lasts a mere second. Slowing it down 40 times reveals the technique and immense strength of this massive predator. If surprise fails, there will be a chase. The shark is faster on a straight course but it can't turn as sharply as the seal. It's agility versus power. Once the seals have finished breeding the giant sharks will move on. It's now becoming clear that great whites migrate thousands of miles across the oceans to harvest seasonal abundances in different seas. 太阳对海洋生命的影响也和对陆地上的一样。海洋中生命最丰富的地方是海浪和洋流能供给丰富营养、同时又阳光充足的海洋表层水域。南非好望角附近的海域就是如此,它是一片十分富饶的水域。夏天是丰饶的季节,海狗们开始产仔。噬人鲨的袭击可以在瞬间完成。通过放慢40倍的镜头我们可以看到这种大型食肉动物所使用的技能和它巨大的力量。如果偷袭失败,它会紧追不放。 噬人鲨直游速度很快,但急转身却不如海狗灵活。这是灵活与力量的较量。海狗产仔后,噬人鲨便会迅速行动。现在我们已经知道,噬人鲨会随着季节的变化巡游数千公里前往食物丰富的不同海域。