This is the Kalahari Desert in Southern Africa. It's the dry season and thousands of elephants have started to travel in a desperate search for water. All across Southern Africa animals are journeying for the same reason. Buffalo join the great trek. Nowhere else on earth are so many animals on the move with the same urgent purpose. They're all heading for the swamps of the Okavango, a vast inland delta. At the moment it is dry, but water is coming. The travellers are hampered by dangerous dust storms. Females and calves can easily get separated from the main herd. For this pair sanctuary lies in the patch of woodland a few miles ahead. They can't rest until they reach it. The main herd has already got there safely. Finally, the stragglers emerge from the dust. The exhausted calf is still blinded by sand. Its mother does everything possible to help it. 这是非洲南部的卡拉哈里沙漠,现在是旱季,数千只大象已经出发,它们不顾一切要去寻找水源。在整个南部非洲,动物都在为同样的原因而远行。非洲水牛也加入了远征的队伍。世界上只有这里有如此众多的动物为同样急迫的原因而迁移。它们都向一个巨大的内陆三角洲奥卡万戈沼泽进发,现在它还没有水,但水很快就会到来。危险的沙尘暴阻挡了行进者的步伐。此时母子很容易失散。对于这一对母子来说,它们的避难所是前面几公里处的一片森林,只有到达那里之后它们才能休息。象群大部分已经安全到达了。最后,掉队者终于从沙尘中出现了。精疲力竭的小象还是被尘土弄得睁不开眼。妈妈尽一切努力来帮助它。