The storm is now subsiding, but not all the elephants have been so lucky. One youngster has got lost. Thirsty and exhausted, it follows the tracks of its mother, but sadly in the wrong direction. At the peak of the dry season in the Kalahari water arrives in the Okavango. It fell as rain 1,000 miles away in the highlands of Angola and has taken nearly five months to reach here. The water drives out insects from the parched ground, which are snapped up by plovers. Catfish, travelling with the flood, collect any drowning creatures the birds have missed. It's a seasonal feast for animals of all kinds. Birds are the first to arrive in any numbers - wattled cranes, then black storks. Behind the birds come buffalo. After weeks of marching their trek is coming to an end. 这时沙尘暴减弱了。但并不是所有的大象同样幸运。一只小象迷路了。它又渴又累,极力沿着妈妈的脚印往前走,可惜它走错了方向。卡拉哈里沙漠旱季最严重的时候,奥卡万戈三角洲有了水。它来自一千多公里之外的安哥拉高原的降雨,经过近5个月才流到这里。水把昆虫从焦干的土地上驱赶出来,成了灰鸻鸟的美餐。鲇鱼随洪水而来,抢食被水冲淹但被鸟儿错过的昆虫。这是各种动物的季节性盛宴。数量不等的鸟群最先到达。先是肉垂鹤,接着是黑鹳。紧跟鸟类而来的是非洲水牛,经过几周跋涉,它们的行程结束了。