As the water sweeps into the Okavango a vast area of the Kalahari is transformed into a fertile paradise. Nowhere on our planet is the life giving power of water so clearly demonstrated. The Okavango becomes criss-crossed with trails as animals move into its heart. The new arrivals open up paths like arteries along which water flows, extending the reach of the flood. This is an Africa rarely seen - a lush water world. Some creatures are completely at home here. These are lechwe - antelope with hooves that splay widely, enabling them to move its speed through the water. For others the change is far less welcome. Baboons are somewhat apprehensive bathers. The water brings a season of plenty for all animals. 水流过奥卡万戈三角洲,卡拉哈里很多地方变成了美丽的天堂。水给我们这个星球带来生命力,在这里展现得最为充分。动物向奥卡万戈三角洲的心脏地带移动,踩出纵横交错的小道,它们像血管一样遍布着,一直延伸到有水的地方。确实这是非洲少有的景象,充满生机的水世界。一些生物如鱼得水般的快乐。这些驴羚有很宽的蹄子,所以它们在水中的行走的速度可以很快。对于某些动物来说,这种变化远没有那么受欢迎。埃及狒狒趟水时担惊受怕。水给所有动物带来了一个丰饶的季节。