But you need more than a head for heights to survive up here. A day in a Gelada's life reveals how they've risen to the challenge. For all monkeys morning is grooming time, a chance to catch up with friends. But, unlike other monkeys, Geladas chatter constantly while they do it. It's a great way to network while your hands are busy. But these socials can't go on for too long. Geladas have a busy daily schedule and there's work to be done. Most monkeys couldn't live up here. There's no fruit and few insects to feed on. But Geladas are unique - they're the only monkeys in the world to live almost entirely on grass. They live in the largest assemblies formed by any monkeys. Some groups are 800 strong and they crop the high meadows like herds of wildebeest. 但要在这样的环境里生存,仅有爬高的本领是远远不够的。看看狮尾狒们一天的生活就可以知道它们是如何面对挑战的。对于所有猴类来说,早晨是理毛时间,同时也是交友的好机会。 但和其它猴类不同,狮尾狒互相梳理毛发的同时还会不停地交谈。手在不停地忙碌的时候交流感情是一种好方式。但这种社交活动不能持续太久,狮尾狒的一天的日程排得很满,它们有很多事情要做。绝大多数猴类无法在这里生存,因为这里没有果实,可吃的昆虫也很少。但狮尾狒是一种独特的动物,它们是世界上唯一一种几乎完全吃草的猴类。它们的群落也是所有猴类中最大的,有些群落里狮尾狒的数量多达800只。它们像角马一样在高原上吃草。