The Ethiopian volcanoes are dormant, but elsewhere others still rage. Volcanoes form the backbone of the longest mountain chain on our planet - the Andes of South America. This vast range stretches 5,000 miles from the equator down to the Antarctic. It formed as the floor of the Pacific Ocean slid beneath the South American continent, buckling its edge. At the southern end stand the mountains of Patagonia. It's high summer. But the Andes have the most unstable mountain weather on the planet and storms can erupt without warning. Temperatures plummet and guanacos and their newborn young must suddenly endure a blizzard. Truly, all seasons in one day. 埃塞俄比亚高原上的火山都处于休眠状态,但在其他地方,有些火山仍然十分活跃。位于南美洲的安第斯山脉是地球上最长的山脉,它主要是由火山形成的。这条巨大的山脉长达近8000公里,从赤道一直延伸到南极。延伸到南美大陆之下的太平洋洋底阻住了火山熔岩,形成了熔岩的边界,从而使熔岩向上堆积,形成了安第斯山脉。安第斯山脉的南端矗立着巴塔哥尼亚山脉。现在是仲夏时节。但安第斯山脉中的气候是地球上最不稳定的山地气候,暴风雪会毫无征兆地发生。气温急剧下降,南美野生羊驼和它们的新生儿必须能很快经受住暴风雪的袭击。确实是一日四季。