As evening approaches, an age-old ritual unfolds. It's the mating season and male paddy frogs are competing for the attention of the females. But it doesn't always pay to draw too much attention to yourself. The Chinese Pond Heron is a pitiless predator. Even in the middle of a ploughed paddy field, nature is red in beak and claw. This may look like a slaughter but as each heron can swallow only one frog at a time, the vast majority will escape to croak another day. 当薄暮降临,另一场古老的仪式上演了。现在是交配的季节,雄禾田蛙们为了吸引异性而卖力高鸣,但这并非总能为你吸引来关注的目光。中国池鹭是个残忍的掠食者,就算在耕作过的稻田中央也会上演喙与爪的血腥剧目。或许这看上去像一场屠杀。但每只池鹭一次只能吞噬一只蛙,剩余的多数田蛙得以逃生并获得了明日再度高歌的机会。