This vast area of southwest China, the size of France and Spain combined, is famous for its clusters of conical hills, like giant upturned egg cartons, separated by dry empty valleys. This is the karst, a limestone terrain which has become the defining image of southern China. Karst landscapes are often studded with rocky outcrops, forcing local farmers to cultivate tiny fields. The people who live here are among the poorest in China. In neighbouring Yunnan Province, limestone rocks have taken over entirely. 相当于法国和西班牙国土加起来那么大的中国西南的广阔土地,因为宛如被干燥中空的谷地隔离开来的巨大蛋盒般连绵的锥形山脉而闻名于世。这就是喀斯特地貌,石灰石地貌俨然成为南部中国的标志性特征。喀斯特地貌通常以突起的裸岩状态分布。这迫使当地农民只得在破碎的小块土地上耕作。当地人是中国最贫穷的居民之一。在毗邻的云南省,遍布着石灰石。