But there is more to this landscape than meets the eye. China has literally thousands of mysterious caverns concealed beneath the visible landscape of the karst. Much of this hidden world has never been seen by human eyes and is only just now being explored. For a growing band of intrepid young Chinese explorers, caves represent the ultimate adventure. Exploring a cave is like taking a journey through time. A journey which endless raindrops will have followed over countless centuries. Fed by countless drips and trickles, the subterranean river carves ever deeper into the rock. 但百闻不如置身这片奇妙山地亲身一见。在中国醒目的喀斯特地貌下,隐匿着无数的神秘洞穴。这些隐秘世界大多不为世人所知,而现在他们将被展现在世人眼前。奇险洞穴中再现了一场终极的探险,主角是一群日渐成长、初生牛犊般的年轻探险家。探索一个洞穴,犹如一场穿越时空的探险。常年积水叮咚伴随着无止境般的旅途。水滴潺潺落下,地下河流深切入岩。