This is one of the world's rarest primates, Francois's langur. In China they survive in just two southern provinces, Guizhou and Guangxi, always in rugged limestone terrains. Like most monkeys, they are social creatures and spend a great deal of time grooming each other. Langurs are essentially vegetarian with a diet of buds, fruits and tender young leaves. Babies are born with ginger fur, which gradually turns black from the tail end. 这是世界上最珍稀的灵长类之一,白颊黑叶猴。在中国他们只残存于两个南部省份,贵州与广西,多半栖息于崎岖的石灰岩地貌地带。正如大多数猴子一样,他们是社会性生物,并且他们乐于耗费大把时间为彼此整理仪容。叶猴是个不折不扣以嫩芽、嫩叶、水果为食的素食主义者。叶猴宝宝裹着姜黄色的毛发出生,这些毛发随着生长逐渐从尾部开始变成黑色。