Young infants have a vise-like grip, used to cling on to mum for dear life. As they get older, they get bolder and take more risks. Those that survive spend a lot of time travelling. The experienced adults know exactly where to find seasonal foods in different parts of their range. In such steep terrain, travel involves a high level of climbing skill. These monkeys are spectacularly good rock climbers from the time they learn to walk. In langur society, females rule the roost and take the lead when the family is on the move. 叶猴宝宝虎钳般的爪帮助他们附着在妈妈身上以保证安全。随着年龄的增长,他们越发胆大并开始常识更多刺激。这些是经历诸多冒险后的幸存者。在不同的守备范围内,经验丰富的成年叶猴深知到的哪里去寻觅当季的食物。在如此陡峭的地带,旅途顺利包含了高超的攀爬技巧。这些猴子打会走路起就是卓越的攀岩专家。叶猴族群是母系社会,并且是举家迁徙的领队人物。