Filmed in near darkness using a night vision camera, the troop clambers along familiar ledges worn smooth by generations before them. During cold winter weather, the monkeys venture deeper underground where the air stays comparatively warm. At last, journey's end. A cosy niche beyond the reach of even the most enterprising predator. But it's not just monkeys that find shelter in caves. These children are off to school. In rural China that may mean a long trek each morning, passing through a cave or two on the way. 夜视镜在近乎黑暗的坏境下记录下了叶猴一家爬上被数代猴族磨蚀光润的石壁的情景。当冬日寒冷来袭,猴子们则冒险潜入空气相对保持温暖的地下。最后,到达旅途的终点。高悬的庇护所使得最激进的捕食者都束手无策。并非只有猴子们在洞穴中寻找遮蔽。这些孩子们刚放学。在中国农村每天早上都意味着一段穿越一两个洞穴的艰苦跋涉。