But not all pupils have to walk to school. These children are boarders. As the day pupils near journey's end, the boarders are still making breakfast. In the schoolyard, someone seems to have switched the lights off. But this is no ordinary playground, and no ordinary school. It's housed inside a cave! A natural vault of rock keeps out the rain so there's no need for a roof on the classroom. 然而并非所有孩子都要徒步上学。这些孩子是寄宿生。当孩子们快要到达学校时,住宿生还在做早饭。校园内仿若被关掉了灯一般黑暗。但这里其实并没有正规的操场,以及正规的学校。只不过是在洞穴中的房屋而已。天然拱顶阻隔了雨水为教室省去了屋顶。