Rickett's mouse-eared bat is the only bat in Asia which specialises in catching fishes, tracking them down from the sound reflection of ripples on the water surface. This extraordinary behaviour was only discovered in the last couple of years, and has never been filmed before. If catching fish in the dark is impressive, imagine eating a slippery minnow with no hands while hanging upside down. Rickett鼠耳蝠是亚洲蝙蝠中唯一通过在水面依靠声波对涟漪的反射追踪游鱼的蝙蝠种。这种非凡的技巧仅在数年前被发现,现在首次被记录下来展示给世人。如果说在黑暗中追捕游鱼是如此的不可思议,想象下倒挂状态下不用爪子吞食滑溜溜的米诺鱼是怎样的神奇场景。