Back home, Geng spreads his catch on the roof to dry. This being China, nothing edible will be wasted. There's a saying in the far south, "We will eat anything with legs except a table, and anything with wings except a plane." Within a few hours, the dried insects are ready to be bagged up and taken to market. It's the dragonfly nymphs that fetch the best price. Fortunately, Caohai's dragonflies are abundant and fast breeding. So Geng and his fellow fishermen have so far had little impact on their numbers. But not all wildlife is so resilient. 回到家后,老耿把他的获物在屋顶上摊开晒干。在中国,但凡能吃的东西都不会被浪费。在遥远的南方有这样一种说法:“长腿的唯桌子不吃,长翅膀的独飞机不啃”。几个钟头后,这些晒干了的昆虫便会被带到市场上卖掉。其中蜻蜓蛹能卖到最好的价格。幸运的是,草海的蜻蜓资源非常丰富且高速再生,所以老耿和其他的渔民远不会危及它们的数量。但绝非所有野生动物都这样生机勃勃。