This Buddhist temple near Shanghai has an extraordinary story attached to it. In May 2007, A Wild China camera team filmed this peculiar Swinhoe's turtle in the temple's fish pond. According to the monks, the turtle had been given to the temple during the Ming dynasty, over 400 years ago. It was thought to be the oldest animal on Earth. Soft-shelled turtles are considered a gourmet delicacy by many Chinese, and when it was filmed, this was one of just three Swinhoe's turtles left alive in China, the rest of its kind having been rounded up and eaten. Sadly, just a few weeks after filming, this ancient creature died. 这所上海附近的佛庙有一段与之相关的传奇故事。2007年5月,一支野性中国摄制组在这所寺庙的鱼塘里拍摄到了这只罕见的斑龟。据寺庙的和尚所说,这只龟在明朝期间被赐予寺庙,至今已有400余年历史了。它被认为是地球上最老的动物。软壳龟被很多从中国人视为神赐的馈赠。在被记录下的时候,它已是中国仅存的三只斑龟之一。他的同胞们被当作食物剿杀殆尽。悲痛人心的是在拍摄后的短短几周后,这只远古的生物与世长辞了。