The rivers of Zhangjiajie flow northeast into the Yangtse floodplain known as the land of fish and rice. On an island in a lake in Anhui province, a dragon is stirring. This is the ancestral home of China's largest and rarest reptile. A creature of mystery and legend. Dragon eggs are greatly prized, these babies need to hatch out quick. It would seem someone is on their trail. For a helpless baby reptile, imprisoned in a leathery membrane inside a choky shell, a process of hatching is a titanic struggle. And time is running out. 张家界的河流向东北注入以鱼米之乡文明的长江平原。在安徽省一个湖泊的小岛上,一只小龙蠢蠢欲动。这里是中国最大最稀有爬行动物的古老家园。一种传说中的神秘生物。龙卵是非常珍贵的,这些孩子们需要快点孵化出来。看起来有人正在进行搜寻。对一只无助的爬行类幼仔来说,囚禁在令人窒息的蛋壳的坚韧隔膜里,在孵化过程中需要拼尽全力挣扎。而时间正在不断流逝。