It's taken two hours for the little dragon to get its head out of the egg. It needs to gather its strength now for one final massive push. Free at last, the baby Chinese alligators instinctively head upwards toward the surface of the nest and waiting outside world. But the visitors are not what they seem. Sheshuzhen and her son live nearby. She has been caring for her local alligators for over 20 years so she had a fair idea when the eggs will likely to hatch. 小鳄鱼需要耗费2个小时才能将脑袋伸出蛋壳。现在是拼尽全力进行最后奋力一击的时刻。最终获得自由,扬子幼鳄出于本能的向巢的表面爬去,迎接全新的世界。但造访者并不是它们的同类。佘淑珍和她的儿子就住在附近。她已经照顾当地的扬子鳄20多年了,所以当这些蛋快要孵化的时候她有一个不错的主意。