Back home, she's built a pond, surrounded by netting to keep out predators where her charges will spend the next six months, until they are big enough to fend for themselves. For the past 20 years, small-scale conservation projects like this are all that have kept China's 150 wild alligators from extinction. Just south of the alligator country, dawn breaks over a very different landscape. The 1,800-meter high granite peaks of the Huangshan or yellow mountain. To the Chinese, Huangshan's pines are epitomised as the strength, and resilience of nature. Some of these trees are thought to be over 1,000 years old. 回到家里,她建了一个用网围起来以隔离捕食者的水塘,在接下来的六个月内加以保护,直到他们长得足够自立。过去的20年里,靠着像这样小规模的保护措施中国150只野生扬子鳄免遭灭绝。就在饲养鳄鱼村落的正南方,黎明破晓之光照耀出一幅不同的画卷。黄山那海拔1800米的花岗岩巅峰,又称为黄之山。对中国人而言,黄山松象征着自然蓬勃的生命力与不屈的精神。其中一些树据说已超过千岁。