Below the granite peaks, steep forested valleys shelter surprising inhabitants. Huangshan macaques, rare descendants of the Tibetan macaques of western China, are unique to these mountain valleys where they enjoy strict official protection. After a morning spent in the treetops, the troop is heading for the shade of the valley. A chance for the grown-ups to escape the heat and maybe pick up a lunch snack from the stream. 在这花岗岩巅峰下,陡峭峡谷的森林中隐藏着令人惊讶的居民——黄山猕猴。它们隶属中国西部西藏短尾猴家族中稀有的分支,自得其乐地生活在这政府保护的山谷中。在树梢度过了早上之后,猴群转移到了山谷的阴凉处。这是它们躲避酷暑的绝佳契机,它们甚至还在溪流中寻觅零食。