The alpha male has seen it all before. He's not in the least bothered. But someone, or something, is watching, with a less than friendly interest. The Chinese moccasin is an ambush predator with a deadly bite. This is one of China's largest and most feared venomous snakes. But the monkeys have lived alongside these dangerous serpents for thousands of years. They use this specific alarm call to warn each other whenever a snake is spotted. Once its cover is blown, the viper poses no threat to the monkeys, now safe in the treetops. And life soon returns to normal. 猴王早就看穿了一切。它全然一副眼不见心不烦的样子。然而却有人虎视眈眈地注视着。五步蛇是拥有死亡之吻的暗杀者。这是中国最大最恐怖的剧毒蛇之一,但是猴子们已经与这种危险的毒蛇共存了数千年。每当发现有这种斑点的蛇时,它们就用这种特殊的叫声来相互警告。一旦警报响起,毒蛇的袭击便对猴子丧失了威胁。一切归于平静。