Back in the village, Yang has his own smokehouse where he preserves his fish ready for market. Longxian carp have unusually soft scales and a very delicate flavour, perhaps as a result of the local water. Meanwhile, outside the smokehouse, there's something fishy going on. To mark the harvest, the village is staging a party. Children from Longxian school have spent weeks preparing for their big moment. Everyone from the community is here to support them. The rice growing cycle is complete. 回到村庄后,老杨进入自己的熏房为贩售而准备他的鱼。龙现鲤有着柔软的鳞和美妙的味道,这或许拜当地水质所赐。此时此刻的熏房外,古灵精怪的小家伙们正蠢蠢欲动。为了庆祝丰收,村民们举行了一场盛会。龙现小学的孩子们为了此刻的盛会已经准备了数周。全村上下在这天都前来捧场。水稻种植循环体系完美无缺。